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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

What did 'Islamic' Spain give us? 8th-14th century.

In 2010, during a speech about the natural environment and Islam, Prince Charles heaped praise on Islamic history. In particular, he made a link between Europe and the orient, claiming that ‘many of the traits on which modern Europe prides itself came from Muslim Spain’. One of these traits could surprisingly to some, be religious tolerance. For example, while in Western Europe, Jews especially were a marginalised minority being compared to a ‘cancer attacking a Christian baby’ and therefore being expelled from many parts of Europe, a flourishing Muslim Spain became home to jews, Christians and Muslims who all lived together in relative harmony, in Convivencia. However, it was not just tolerance and liberal values that were transferred from Southern to Northern Europe via the bridge that was Andalucia. In fact, many common commodities whose origins are neglected today, took their root in the East, some of which I shall list below.

transmission of knowledge
1)      Knowledge – In Islamic teaching, knowledge that will advance and enrich humanity Is valued intensely. Therefore under the Muslim rule of Spain, scholars recovered the ‘lost’ Greek knowledge of such philosophers such as Aristotle and translated old works of wisdom in Toledan language labs where members of all 3 religions worked together. This resulted in advancements in Geography (pilgrimage and travel is/was very important to Muslims), law, philosophy and most obviously – science. *Search Ibn Al Haytham. Not only did Muslims translate and collect this knowledge to be passed onto the west but they also created new knowledge e.g. Averroas, a prominent Muslim Scholar added commentaries to the works of Aristotle which were then used by later figures such as Aquinas. Books were also sent from Baghdad to Spain!

water wheels aided gardens and fruits
2)      Water wheels. Whilst the Romans boasted the technology of Aqueducts, the Moors *Muslims of Spain, improved upon this and created the water wheel which aided agricultural cultivation and the growth of fruits. Moreover these ‘celestial spheres’ as one contemporary described them also helped provide running warm water into most Spanish homes, something which was a luxury in western Europe and wasn’t seen till centuries after.

3)      Fruit – citrus fruit was also brought into Spain by Muslim leaders who enjoyed the smell and used them to decorate their gardens. Such fruits such as lemons, orange, pomegranates and commodities such as artichoke, ginger and saffron further improved the health of Spaniards in an age where bubonic plague was devouring the rest of Europe.

4)      Health and hygiene – one cultural icon who greatly improved health and hygiene was Ziryab who introduced toothpaste/hairstyles from Baghdad (cultural capital of the world at that point). Perfume was another innovation as was shampoo made of salt and rose water, crystal glasses, certain clothing associated with seasons etc.

5)      Streetlights – The streetlights in Cordoba were described by one poet ‘as a string of pearls’ adorning the night sky.

6)      Music – did you know that the mournful melodies in the background of Flamenco music have Arabic influences? The guitar also had it’s origins in Moorish Spain.

7)      Medicine – Moorish physicians between the 9th and 12th century came up with instruments to cut veins and also instruments to aid in childbirth. They further came up with treatments for eye diseases which were used right up until world war one. Avicenna also came up with the medical textbook of ‘cannon’ which was used in Europe for 500yrs! Ibn Haytham – ‘the father of optics’ was the first to explain how light is projected to the back of the eye. He further came up with the experimental
approach to science moving science from it’s pure basis to a practical version we know today.
Those who claim that Islam has given ‘nothing valuable’ to the world can be shown the above. In fact It was because of Islams command to ‘seek knowledge’ that such innovations *especially in regards to knowledge’ were possible. Islamic Spain was arguably a bridge which connected this knowledge and innovations to the rest of Europe.

**I’ve had to try my hardest to condense this post to be brief. However, I’ve written a full 5000+ document on Moorish Spain and what it gave to the world where everything I’ve written here + much more is explained in significantly more depth– this was written a couple of years back so if you would like to read it please email me on: and I will be more than happy to send you a copy. 

Friday, 5 June 2015

The Islamic viewpoint on leadership & government

Following on from the theme of my previous couple of posts, I yesterday discovered this piece of writing which lays down the Islamic viewpoint on leadership and government. In an age where many sections of society feel alienated from politics and find it an unrepresentative institution, It's interesting to see how leadership and government was envisaged in the early centuries such as the suggestions set down by the Caliph - Ali who was Caliph between the 656 - 661AD. These suggestions are set out below. 
Seperation of religion and politics
Please note that this information is copyright free and was taken from the website of prominent author/philosopher: Ahmed Hulusi, a highly acclaimed Islamic author of philosophy and religion. His website can be found here and offers free literature:

Manifest religious tolerance: Amongst your subjects there are two kinds of people: those who have the same religion as you [and] are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than yours, [who] are human beings like you. Men of either category suffer from the same weaknesses and disabilities that human beings are inclined to; they commit sins, indulge in vices either intentionally or foolishly and unintentionally without realizing the enormity of their deeds. Let your mercy and compassion come to their rescue and help in the same way and to the same extent that you expect Allah to show mercy and forgiveness to you

Equity is best: A policy which is based on equity will be largely appreciated. Remember that the displeasure of common men, the have-nots and the depressed persons overbalances the approval of important persons, while the displeasure of a few big people will be excused... if the general public and the masses of your subjects are happy with you.

Ensure an honest judiciary
The rich always want more: They are the people who will be the worst drag upon you during your moments of peace and happiness, and the least useful to you during your hours of need and adversity. They hate justice the most. They will keep demanding more and more out of State resources and will seldom be satisfied with what they receive and will never be obliged for the favor shown to them if their demands are justifiably refused.

A healthy society is interdependent: The army and the common men who pay taxes are two important classes, but in a well faring state their well-being cannot be guaranteed without proper functioning and preservation of the other classes, the judges and magistrates, the secretaries of the State and the officers of various departments who collect various revenues, maintain law and order as well as preserve peace and amity among the diverse classes of the society. They also guard the rights and privileges of the citizens and look to th
e performance of various duties by individuals and classes. And the prosperity of this whole set-up depends upon the traders and industrialists. They act as a medium between the consumers and suppliers. They collect the requirements of society. They exert to provide goods.... Then comes the class of the poor and the disabled persons. It is absolutely necessary that they should be looked after, helped and provided.... at least the minimum necessities for well-being and contented living....

Ensure an honest judiciary: You must select people of excellent character and high caliber with meritorious records.... When they realize that they have committed a mistake in judgement, they should not insist on it by trying to justify it.... they should not be corrupt, covetous or greedy. They should not be satisfied with ordinary enquiry or scrutiny of a case but...must attach the greatest importance to reasoning, arguments and proofs. They should not get tired of lengthy discussions and arguments.They must exhibit patience and perseverance... and when truth is revealed to them they must pass their judgements.... These appointments must be made... without any kind of favoritism being shown or influence being accepted; otherwise tyranny, corruption and misrule will reign.... Let the judiciary be above every kind of executive pressure or influence, above fear or favour, intrigue or corruption.

Poverty leads to ruination: If a country is prosperous and if its people are well-to-do, then it will happily and willingly bear any burden. The poverty of the people is the actual cause of the devastation and ruination of a country and the main cause of the poverty of the people is the desire of its ruler and officers to amass wealth and possessions whether by fair or foul means.
poverty leads to ruination

Corruption undermines national well-being: I want to advise you about your businessmen and industrialists. Treat them well.... They are the sources of wealth to the country.... One more thing.... you must keep an eye over their activities as well. You know that they are usually stingy misers, intensely self-centered and selfish, suffering from the obsession of grasping and accumulating wealth. They often hoard their goods to get more profit out of them by creating scarcity and by indulging in black-marketing.
Stay in touch with the people: You must take care not to cut yourself off from the public. Do not place a curtain of false prestige between you and those over whom you rule. Such pretension and shows of pomp and pride are in reality manifestations of inferiority complex and vanity. The result of such an attitude is that you remain ignorant of the conditions of your subjects and of the actual cases of the events occurring in the State.
Peace brings prosperity: If your enemy invites you to a peace treaty...., never refuse to accept such an offer, because peace will bring rest and comfort to your armies, will relieve you of anxieties and worries, and will bring prosperity and affluence to your people. But even after such treaties be very careful of the enemies and do not place too much confidence in their promises, because they often resort to peace treaties to deceive and delude you and take advantage of your negligence, carelessness and trust. At the same time, be very careful never to break your promise with your enemy; never forsake the protection or support that you have offered to him, never go back upon your word and never violate the terms of the treaty.
History reveals all: Do not reserve for yourself anything which is a common property of all and in which others have equal rights. Do not close your eyes from glaring malpractice of officers, miscarriage of justice and misuse of rights, because you will be held responsible for the wrong thus done to others. In the near future your wrong practices and maladministration will be exposed and you will be held responsible and punished for the wrong done to the helpless and oppressed people.

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